About Savannahs

About Savannahs

Savannah Cats

The worlds tallest domestic cat breed

Savannah cats are a spotted domestic cat breed started in the 1980’s. Developed to give the impression of grandeur and dignity of a wildcat with a cheetah type appearance, expressive eyes highlighted by dark tear stains, vibrant coat colors, solid contrasting black spots, huge sonar-like ears and long legs. Since 2006 they have held the Guinness Book World Record for the world’s tallest domestic cat.

Breed standard calls for all traits to mimic those of its ancestor the African Serval. The goal of the breed is to obtain a well-rounded temperament yet wild-looking breed that makes a suitable alternative to an exotic pet. Poorly developed bloodlines can be mistaken for Bengal Cats, which have an opposite body structure to the Savannah.

  • Lifespan: 12-20 years

  • Weight: 12-25 pounds

  • Exercise: Medium/High

Size of the breed


Diagram courtesy of https://savannahcatassociation.org/

Energy Level of the breed is medium to high so exercise is required. Exercise combined with socialization is an extremely important part of a kitten’s training into adulthood. Exposure to friendly atmospheres with positive reinforcement work best.

Health Issues – Genetic testing is crucial to avoid development of breed-specific ailments long term. Reproduction is very difficult and fertility rates are low. Litters average 1 to 3 kittens in early generations. Some cats are infertile due to genetics. Intact cats are notoriously selective, pairing only with those it is raised with from kitten-hood. The gestation period of the African Serval is 10 days longer than a domestic cat, meaning F1 & F2s are immensely hard to produce.

High intelligence combined with being naturally curious gets them into mischief. Due to high intelligence, curiosity and high energy needs, they are best suited with active owners.

Temperament is outstanding when properly socialized. The feline version of a dog. Ideal companions for owners who want to avoid extra canine requirements. Actively seeking social interaction. Remaining kitten-like through life. Profoundly loyal to immediate family members. Questioning the presence of strangers. Making excellent companions that are loyal, intelligent and eager to be involved. Demonstrated by the ability to learn simple to complex commands.

Savannah Cats


Colors of the Savannah Cat are brown, silver, black and smoke. Acceptable colors are those that mimic the African Serval. The most common variation of the African Serval is a buttery gold color with solid jet black spots. Gold is a shade of brown so it is correctly registered as a brown spotted tabby (BST).

Eyes should be medium-sized and set underneath a slightly hooded brow. The top of the eye resembles a boomerang, which is set at an exact angle so that the corner of the eye slopes down the line of the nose. The bottom half of the eye has an almond shape. The eyes are moderately deep set, low on the forehead, and are consistent with facial symmetry. Tear stain markings are present along and between the eyes and the nose. All eye colors are allowed and are independent of coat color.

Ears should resemble those of the African Serval Cat. African Serval Cats have the largest ears of all felines, and largest ears in relation to head size of any cat. As a result, the Savannah Cat’s ears are remarkably large and high on the head. The ears are also wide with a deep base. The ears should be upright and have rounded tips. The outside base of the ear should start no lower on the head than at the height of the eyes but may be set higher. The inside base of the ears is set close at the top of the head, ideally, vertical parallel lines can be drawn from the inner corner of the eyes up to the inner base of ears. Savannah Cats have inherited “ocelli” marks behind thier ears used to scare off predators. Ocelli marks can be found throught nature, Such as the wings of butterflies, ears of most wild cats and even tabby cats. Serval Cats have an “ocelli” marking behind the ears which are high-contrast marks that are thought to scare off predators by mimicking the eyes of the predators’ own enemies. Savannah Cats often a muted ocille mark with less contrast. Lacking the high contrast of black with white color combination. It is considered desirable to have black with white but not a fault to have lesser contrasting colors (black with brown, brown with brown).

Head should be broad, modified wedge with rounded contuers. The head should be longer than it is wide. The anterior view of the face should present a distinct and symmetric triangular shape. The nose is long with a small chin.

Pattern is solid dark spots which can be round or oval flowing across the body and should not be connected. A series of parallel stripes, from the back of the head to just over the shoulder blades fan out slightly over the back. Smaller spots may be found on the legs and feet, as well as on the face. The coat is dense short hair that can be coarse or soft in texture.







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