Ultrasound Scanning Service
For peace of mind for all your pets pregnancies.


Pet Scans in your own home

As a registered veterinary nurse I can offer a mobile pregnancy ultrasound scanning service for cats, dogs, rabbits and guinea pigs. This helps prevent your animal being stressed in travelling to and from the vets, as it’s the last thing we would want to do is stress a pregnant animal when it can be avoided. I also offer ‘out of hour scans’ from 8pm-8am in case a scan is needed to confirm the end of labour or if there is still more unborn young to come. I am also a cat breeder of Savannah cats and offer behaviour consultations for cat behaviour.

A qualified Veterinary Nurse for 10 years and having worked in practice for 15, I have a lot of experience in animal health and handling etc… I also hold a Diploma in Animal Management Care and working towards my Advanced Certificate in Cat Behaviour. I have recently passed my Vet Image Solutions course to enable me to carry out pet pregnant ultrasound scans. I have purchased the newest ultrasound machine, which is called a VIS Scan Pad. Being veterinary trained also helps me advise clients further on certain areas which other people may not be able to. I also breed myself so I understand in depth about the whole process to finding the correct male and female along side health tests, then on to conception and then finally giving birth.

This is why I also think it is a good idea to offer out of hour scans because I know how it feels to be waiting hours and thinking ‘is there anymore to come?’ 

​The VIP scan pad is touch screen and does have a battery back up, so animals can be scanned in kennels and catteries and not just in the home if that’s easier and less stressful for the animal and owner.







Newcastle Upon Tyne


Scottyspots are tica registered

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Ultrasound Services

Scottyspots Mobile Pregnancy Scanning

Registered veterinary nursse offering mobile pregnancy ultrasound scanning service for cats, dogs, rabbits and guinea pigs.

Click here for more details